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Justice Where You Are

  When I first landed in Africa, the thought came to mind:   “You are not here to save them from their poverty.”   That thought lifted a weight, I had not realized was sitting there, off my shoulders.   It was my first time to Africa, of course, I wanted to save the world.    Then I came to a major intersection in our country’s capital city. It is filled with cars, trucks, tuk-tuks, and too many bodas to count. The people are taking up every space not filled with cars, trucks, tuk-tuks, and bodas. These people at the intersection are working the streets selling their fruits, vegetables, and other wares. Some legally, others forced. Some are just beggars. I didn’t know what to do with them all. I couldn’t make sense of it.    The unapparent immediate righting of injustice will never cease to not make sense to us.  Where is God’s compassion? Where is His anger? Where is He?    In his book,  Gentle and Lowly , Dane Ortlund shows us through B.B. Warfield’s writings* that God’s compassion a

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