Insights #2

Breanna Lynn. Beautiful. Playful. Full of laughter. She is very curious and asks lots of questions. She adores her brother and wants to do everything he does and will almost anything to spend time with him. She likes the color pink. She enjoys math and loves to read. Recently she has started sitting and reading six or seven books on her own for awhile. She is smart and picks up new things quickly. Breanna Lynn is a social butterfly, so she loves school and loves meeting people. She is a leader, but at the same time, she follows everyone and likes what they like, not wanting to be left out. I hope that she allows God to shape this leadership skill into good for Him (as she grows up of course).

We have noticed that Breanna Lynn has the gift of words. Her teacher in Peru told her that God gave her lots of words to say. He sure did! But along with all those words, He gave her a mind to say just the right words at the right time. I hope that as she grows and has a relationship with Christ that He will deepen that gift in her. She puts things simply in her view and it's always the correct words for that moment. IOn the flip side, she doesn't seem to have a sense of who she is or what she likes to do.   She has deep hurt shoved down inside her little heart that makes itself know in different ways, but we have yet figured out how to help her heal. Her mind puts different pieces of the puzzle together, but there is not a framework from where she can draw from, just random pieces together that show bits and pieces of her life, but none of them fit together to form a completed puzzle. 

I can't wait to see who she becomes as a teenager and adult. Although the scary part is that Brent and I have a crucial part in who that is!


Janet said…
I am so glad you are getting to know her, she is very bright, and when she was with us she blossomed so quickly thru school and our house. She is strong willed, but also wants to please. So glad you are learning to love her as we do. :-)

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