Round 2

 It's round 2. Round one could be described as hard, impossible, ridiculous. Painful. Hellish. Scary, depressing, tearful, out of control. All of the above.

The Holidays. Yep. They're here. Almost without warning. I'm not even going to pretend that I remember last Thanksgiving, cause I don't. I have no idea what happened. I don't even think I could make it up! Last November and  December are both a blur, until Christmas Day hit and then I could repeat every horrible detail that ensued on that day. If you are adopting and it is your first holiday season together, take my advice and skip it till next year.

Part of me is afraid that history will repeat itself this year. But a tiny part of me know that this is round 2 with the holidays and it will be different, hopefully better.

Pray for us this holiday season. That peace will reign in our house. It is desperately needed.

Here's hoping your holiday season is filled with joy, peace, laughter, and love !


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