Once in a blue moon.

Just in case you forgot what we looked like!
That's about how often I blog now. Once in a blue moon. It's 5:30. So if the sentences aren't constructed correctly, words are misspelled or forgotten, please overlook it. We've all skipped an English class a time or two! For your viewing pleasure, I've included pictures from the summer, so you'll have to read all the way down.

I've been awake since about 3:00. I may have gone back to sleep somewhere after 4:00. I'm really not sure. But now it's officially morning and I'm starving. Who wants breakfast?  I think it may be adrenaline or the stream of thoughts that are running on a continuous loop in my head. I need to turn them off. But that switch broke about 2 years ago!

No, it's not about the children. Although Breanna does have this new food thing going on. Eating way to much food for her size and age. I mean I think she could eat constantly. Making sure every meal is eaten and accounted for, including snacks in between. Comments to us and if she prays that consist of being thankful there is enough food for everyone and that we all get to eat. It's a total survival kid thing. So if you understand how the brain works and is trained as such an early age and how survival mode for kids then you know what I'm talking about. I'm just surprised that her brain is now just processing that there is always enough food and maybe her body is catching up.

Ben woke up happy a week ago Sunday. He stayed happy the whole day. It was nice,  strange. Weird. I didn't really know what to do with myself.  I did know to be sure to make a big deal about it, though. If you don't run with our group, then you may not know that Sundays are usually the worst days ever at our house. So this was a nice change of pace. They say it takes 21 days to develop a habit, we're on day 10. I hope we can make to day 21 of Ben being happy, which is just about time that school starts. So we'll see.

Speaking of school. I have a job. At school. As. an. art. teacher. Who would have guessed it! Certainly not me, Even as far back as May 2013 if you would have told me that I would be getting a classroom ready for the first day of school, I would have laughed out loud for real at you. I'm am the girl who said a million times that I would not be a teacher. Apparently I was wrong.

I'm pretty excited about it. And freaking out a little too. Ok. A lot. This is where I blame the stream of thoughts that are running on the loop continuous in my head. There are a zillion things to do between now and the time school starts and we will be gone a week before school even starts! AHHHHHHHH!  Maybe the art fairies will come down and decorate my room, arrange the desks, put up some bulletin boards, and help with lesson prep! All this is like a foreign language to me! Any advice teachers??

 During our June vacation (we get 2 this year, pretty good deal since we haven't taken a real vacation in 9 years!) we went to Florida. Spent a few days at the water resort, one day in the Magic Kingdom, one day at the beach, and a few hours in Downtown Disney. That's where we got to meet up with the girl's house parents from Peru! It was so great to see them! I know they were so excited to see the kids!

So here's to Wednesday which will no doubt be full of crazy business.


melraqowe said…
Congrats on the job! This will be a great experience, remember that. :)

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