The First Two Weeks

Well it's been about two and half weeks since we moved.  We have had a very interesting time at Granddaddy's and Grandma's house.

School started on August 12th.

After a 24/7 summer of being surrounded by the whirlwind of the girls, I didn't exactly know what to do with myself. So Brent and I drove around a near-by city as if we haven't lived here half of our lives, ate lunch, got a 30 minute massage and picked up the girls. I don't know who was more excited to pick up, me or them. As far as the massage goes, Brent said he felt like the man was really just practicing his karate!

We always like to do something fun to celebrate the first day of school, so we went to eat at Red Robin and ride a carousel. You may not can tell from the picture, but they are holding hands and laughing.

Other than school there has been....

Swimming and softball practice.

Catapult games and dancing.

Reading books and taking tractor rides.

We celebrated my dad's birthday and played outside.

We watched humming bird wars.....or maybe they were dancing. Whatever; they were fighting over the food.


We had a fish fry at Nana and Pawpaw's. Shopped with my mom and visited estate sales with my dad. There are also nighttime snacks and chats on the porch.

Needless to say, I feel a little that we are on vacation. An extended vacation!

Brent did get his office set up a little bit. Between inheriting Pop's books and his own books (mixed in with some of mine!) Brent had 31 boxes of books to unpack. I'm pretty sure he could open his own library!

It's been a busy two weeks, but I guess you could say it's pretty good start to our newest adventure.

P.S. She caught me taking her picture.


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