
It was a Monday night in December when I let go of Christmas . Or at least my Christmas ideals. Why? Well we moved the week of Christmas. Who does that? Apparently we do because we have now bought 2 houses in December.

The first house we signed papers around the 23rd and moved in at the end of after re-modeling the house during the coldest January in 14 years. Just a little FYI, laying tile is not ideal when the water is freezing to the wet stone.

Our second house we bought in October so no biggie there.

This third house we signed papers early on the first Friday of December.  After two weeks, on the original closing date, we picked up the keys. Four hours later everything, except the kitchen table and 2 boxes, had been crammed into the front room of the house. It was the coldest day of the month. We didn't have shiver to mucb, because we all know the rains came. December and January are not the best months to move.

I had the grand idea to paint the girl's rooms before placing any furniture in it. I'm a wimp when it come to painting. I start off all gun-hoe in the paint store. But as soon as the first swipe of the brush hits the wall, all my excitment drips onto the floor and I hate it. Maybe I'm more of the visionary when it comes to painting and Brent is the workman. Although I do agonize over picking the right paint colors. There are too many choices. And there is the possibility of picking the wrong one. Oh the drama of it all! :)

It was here that I let go of the cozy Christmas I always strive for. This year would be a messy Christmas. Busy like always. We did spend our first night in the house on Christmas Eve. The girls were so excited (and nervous) that they slept in the same bed all night. We didn't put up the tree, so I improvised and placed the star that encircled the nativity I bought while we were in Peru on an end table covered with our red Christmas tree skirt. I thought it was fitting to place the gifts at the foot of the manger scene.

 We enjoyed Christmas day. Maybe because I lowered my expectations. Or maybe it was because I was thankful it was the time of year that is the season of hope. Thankful that Emmanuel came and ransomed Isreal and we don't have to be in exile. Thankful that He came for us so we could be with Him.  Thankful for His promises and reminder that He is the hope for all mankind.

We are still moving in.

Brent built Breanna's bed and a new kitchen table with bench and in the middle of unpacking and building, we paused to zip down south to Gulf like a bunch of renagades to see my cousin and his family because they were busy getting to leave the country on a duty appointment for our military. Moving six people to the other side of the world - now that is stressful.

On a fun note, I did get to take a few family photos for them, despite the rain thst drenched everything around us.

I'll post a few when we get the Internet up and running here!

Life is about to calm down for about a week as school starts back. We have loved the break, but I think routine will be nice again. Don't you?


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