A Publix Experience
Today I went to Publix to stock up on groceries for at least a week. I do not like grocery shopping on Sundays and I have never bought our groceries at Publix before today. (a few times I have been with my mom, but never solely for us) So two strikes were already against the afternoon because going to a new grocery, where you don't know where anything is and on a Sunday afternoon when you just want to be napping is not exciting for anyone. But let me tell you, grocery shopping today, was the best. I thought I would give you the top five reasons. Breanna came with me, so she can attest.
First of all, when I entered the store we were greeted with all buy one, get one items. Score. Boxes piled into the cart.
Secondly, the store was clean, neat, and organized. The employees were friendly and seemed happy to be at work. Who doesn't love a clean grocery store with happy, friendly employees?!
Now for my third point that has a background story:
It is important for you to know that earlier this week I, very randomly, woke up craving a Lion bar (and even thought about it again this morning). This was most unfortunate as Lion bars are only sold (to my knowledge) in Europe and Canada. I have yet to figure out why they are not available in the US. I like them so much that I managed to bring home a huge box of Lion bars when I returned home from Europe one summer.
Ok back to Publix, where at this point, Breanna and I are going down every aisle checking out all the things Publix carries. We turned down a new aisle, when we happened upon a BRITISH section. Shut the front door. Are you kidding me? I am pretty sure my mouth fell open when the craved Lion bar came into view! Happy dance. Who knew this existed?! Probably all of you Publix shoppers! I just stood there in amazement looking at everthing. They also had Aero bars, Coffee Crunch, and a few other items I recognized from all the traveling. As you might have guessed, one Lion bar went into the shopping cart. (Breanna wanted a Hershey bar - not to worry)
The next aisle we turned down was the condiment aisle. I don't think Wal-Mart or Kroger carries this many flavors of Heinz ketchup! We kept up our fun findings through the rest of our trip and I kept falling for all the "buy 2 for $5.00" stickers.
All the items on the list were in our cart, except for the highly sought after chocolate muffins. We turned around and headed for the bakery. On the way there we were stopped by an employee cooking chicken and asparagus. She asked if we wanted to try Peach Chicken. Um...gross. "No, thank you." would have normally been my answer, but since Publix had exceeded all my expectations, we tried it. Ya'll, it was A-MAZING! I really wanted to ask her if I could just bag up the rest of her samples and take them home for supper. We got into a conversation and she informed me that when you are choosing you chicken and you need it cut into chunks, Publix will go ahead CUT IT FOR YOU, if you ask. Our conversation caught the attention of a passing manager, who told me they do things like this for a number of items! Do any other grocery stores do this? I do not know. If they do offer the same services, they either do not advertise or I am terrible at grocery shopping and cooking. It's probably the latter. ;) But no matter I got the recipe and added reason number four to the list of the best grocery trip ever.
Number Five: We got the chocolate muffins after the kind baker retrieved them from the freezer since there were none on the floor and headed for the check-out. I was unloading the cart and an employee walked up to me and said, "ma'am, I can do that for you." I just looked at him and smiled, my braun was racing to see if I recognized him, because I thought it was someone who knew Brent playing a joke on me. I turned around and kept unloading, but he was still there. "Oh you're serious?" went thru my mind and I looked at him again and said "oh, ok." That was hilarious and awkward all at the same time. I shouldn't have been surprised. This Publix unloads your cart, bags the groceries, loads them, and walks them to the door for you. It was strange , I just stood there and swiped my card.
I think by the time we were stopped by the cooking employee I was questioning my reasons for ever shopping anywhere else again. The whole reason I went to Publix in the first place was to get protein bars and came out with a new favorite grocery store.
My sister-in-law had these bars at the condo this week. Oh my goodness. These are SO good! You have got to get some.
The dreaded Sunday afternoon shopping trip was worth it. I don't know if all Publix stores are as fun as this store, but if you do not shop there, you need to try it. You will love it!
Happy Shopping!
P.S. My other sister-in-law shops at Aldi and loves their blue chips and salsa. I really love chips and salsa. I may have to experience Aldi and see if they compare to Publix! Oooo.....the competition!! ;)
**I was in no way compensated by Publix for this post and free advertisement. Although, I should be! ;)
First of all, when I entered the store we were greeted with all buy one, get one items. Score. Boxes piled into the cart.
Secondly, the store was clean, neat, and organized. The employees were friendly and seemed happy to be at work. Who doesn't love a clean grocery store with happy, friendly employees?!
Now for my third point that has a background story:
It is important for you to know that earlier this week I, very randomly, woke up craving a Lion bar (and even thought about it again this morning). This was most unfortunate as Lion bars are only sold (to my knowledge) in Europe and Canada. I have yet to figure out why they are not available in the US. I like them so much that I managed to bring home a huge box of Lion bars when I returned home from Europe one summer.
Ok back to Publix, where at this point, Breanna and I are going down every aisle checking out all the things Publix carries. We turned down a new aisle, when we happened upon a BRITISH section. Shut the front door. Are you kidding me? I am pretty sure my mouth fell open when the craved Lion bar came into view! Happy dance. Who knew this existed?! Probably all of you Publix shoppers! I just stood there in amazement looking at everthing. They also had Aero bars, Coffee Crunch, and a few other items I recognized from all the traveling. As you might have guessed, one Lion bar went into the shopping cart. (Breanna wanted a Hershey bar - not to worry)
Number Five: We got the chocolate muffins after the kind baker retrieved them from the freezer since there were none on the floor and headed for the check-out. I was unloading the cart and an employee walked up to me and said, "ma'am, I can do that for you." I just looked at him and smiled, my braun was racing to see if I recognized him, because I thought it was someone who knew Brent playing a joke on me. I turned around and kept unloading, but he was still there. "Oh you're serious?" went thru my mind and I looked at him again and said "oh, ok." That was hilarious and awkward all at the same time. I shouldn't have been surprised. This Publix unloads your cart, bags the groceries, loads them, and walks them to the door for you. It was strange , I just stood there and swiped my card.
I think by the time we were stopped by the cooking employee I was questioning my reasons for ever shopping anywhere else again. The whole reason I went to Publix in the first place was to get protein bars and came out with a new favorite grocery store.
My sister-in-law had these bars at the condo this week. Oh my goodness. These are SO good! You have got to get some.
The dreaded Sunday afternoon shopping trip was worth it. I don't know if all Publix stores are as fun as this store, but if you do not shop there, you need to try it. You will love it!
Happy Shopping!
P.S. My other sister-in-law shops at Aldi and loves their blue chips and salsa. I really love chips and salsa. I may have to experience Aldi and see if they compare to Publix! Oooo.....the competition!! ;)
**I was in no way compensated by Publix for this post and free advertisement. Although, I should be! ;)