Light and Lies

 Light and Lies

“Come near to God, and He will come near to you.” James 4:8


I just stood there. My bones became like iron bars, unwilling to bend, yet my insides were shaking like someone had just plucked me like a guitar string. Eyes wide open as my thoughts whirled around in the blender known as my brain. Why had I agreed to this?


I have loved photography since that one semester in college. Years later, I finally jumped on the bandwagon and opened a small business. Now I needed photos of myself. I had agreed to the weekend because it was supposed to be a fun day with a friend, full of new ideas to enhance my client’s photography experience with me. Then it was my turn to be in front of the lens. As the shutter snapped in rapid fire, I squeezed my eyes shut tight - just who did I think I was. My fear told me all those tiny, burning pixels would instantly produce the evidence of all my failures and flaws in digital form. It didn’t matter that my hair and make-up were to perfection. Those photos were about to prove to myself and everyone else, that those lies I was trying so hard not to believe, were actually true.


Self-deprecating thoughts are easy to develop. They are so clear in our mind that we believe them without a second glance. We begin to fear that other people will only see our failures and flaws. 

I don’t know about you, but I’ve noticed my self-deprecating thoughts come from fears.  Lies sit in the shadows of our fears.  When I’m afraid, I tend to put up my guard and back away from everyone and everything. I even wind up staying away from my time with the Lord. 


When light shines, shadows leave, exposing what’s beneath the shadow. If we want to expose the lies we believe about ourselves, we need to bring our fears near the Light. We come near to our Creator and He will come near to us. What would He say if we came near and confessed to believing our self-deprecating thoughts?


He might say something like this, “Welcome My daughter (Rom. 8:15). My love for you is everlasting (Jer. 31:3). Because of Jesus, you are no longer condemned, but forgiven and redeemed (Rom. 8:15, Col. 1:13-14). You are a display of My splendor (Isa.61:3, NIV). I’ve created you for good works and I will be faithful to complete the good work that I started in you (Eph. 2:10, Phil. 1:6). Always come to Me (Ps. 55:22). You are My delight (Zep. 3:17). Remember that guarding your heart and mind brings you life and My great peace. (Ps. 4:23, Phil 4:7-8).”


Our thoughts can overwhelm us, but Jesus sings over us. How that weekend with my friend would have changed if I had brought my fears into the Light. God will always replace the lies in our thoughts with His truth. Come near to Him. Don’t be afraid. Just start talking.




Jesus, these self-deprecating thoughts are overwhelming. I know they are lies. I’m sorry for believing these lies. Help me to overcome my unbelief about who You say I am. Please forgive me and set me free with Your truth. Thank You for creating me. It’s humbling to know You created me for Your glory. May my life, including my thoughts about myself, bring praise to You for You are holy, good, and faithful.  Amen.  


kaye Gosline said…
Perfectly beautiful photo! And yes, why don't we think of these deep thoughts in that moment? Thanks for expressing a common feeling so well.

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