First football game

Well I suppose the blogging hiatus is over. We took the kids to their first high school football game and I guess I thought that was worth a blog post. Especially after Breanna said that she wanted to play football and Benjamin was on sidelines trying to be a cheerleader. They were really excited and loved the game. I think the first picture of them is funny. They also went to dentist that day and Breanna got to bring the gloves home. She wore them about 5 minutes. There are not many pictures of Ben because he got to sit with some of the kids from our youth group. Breanna got to sit with them for about 20 minutes before we left.  Elizabeth, well, she throughly enjoyed the peanuts that's about all.


Janet said…
love the pictures and love your honesty too. I can only imagine the difference and difficulties. With 3 children that speak mainly spanish and 2 parents that speak mainly English and in a country that is completely different from what they have always known. Add to that the fact that this is their 3rd family in their young lives and the rules in each one were different. Then just climate, school differences, different friends and no free time for mom and dad. Just know that we continue to pray for you all and that we love you all very much. Keep up the good work, and know we are aware it is work and not all hugs and pleasure!!
Love you all,
Mama Janet
Janet said…
I second what she said and add that we are glad to see the kids, they look great and i am sure they are far happier than they have ever been in their lives. I know I miss the alot and pray for their safety and happiness as well as Brent and Marianne's happiness.

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