And we grew.....
WOW! I cannot believe that we have had the kids one year! You can read about the day we took offical custody of the kids on our post, Ready or Not, here we grow. It's amazing to think about all that has happened this year. Five lives changed instantly. We moved three kids from Peru to America. Four months later, Brent got a new job at a new church and we moved to a different state. The kids attended 3 different schools in one year. One school in Peru and two in America. It's been very overwhelming to say the least! We love our new state, our new house, our new church. Brent loves his job and I am learning to really enjoy staying home with Elizabeth and we are all learning to love as a family.
Adjustment wise, I think we were getting into a routine towards the end of April. Then school let out for the summer. So here we go routine. But I've been planning things for the summer, so we will actually be pretty busy.
One thing I've been trying to figure out lately is role change. My role in the youth ministry changed completely. I can't always hang out after church or get there early to hang out, I can't go on all the trips winter and summer trips, I don't lead a girl's Bible study now, I don't go to all the games or recitals anymore (unless the kids join us). I'm sure there is more, but it's hard to be so involved and then to have your complete involvement cut off instantly is a rude awakening. Sometimes I feel guilty because I'm there for the youth all the time, but God has blessed this church with super college students and adults that lead and love the youth and are in a time in their life where they can be there. But it's strange, not to feel connected like I am used to being in the lives of students. But I forget I'm 31, not 21. My life is different now and it's a good different, I'm just trying to get used to that idea. :)
I am going to teach Sunday school for the 9th and 10th girls this summer, I think I'm excited about it. Nervous. That will be nice to be more involved. Then I realized that will cut me off from all adult contact except for youth parents. So on Wednedays, I'm going to a ladies Bible study. NEW! I can't remember the last time I wasn't in a Wednesday night service for youth. But I need adult interaction or I will go nuts. :)
So we are growing, slowly, but there is growth. There are more challenges than ever in our life. But I think we are gonna make it, even some days I still have my doubts. God is revealing a lot of ashes and pain in all our lives that He wants to heal and turn into beauty. Trials make us more tender and sensitive to others, so it's good.
Hope you keep reading, summer's gonna be fun!
Adjustment wise, I think we were getting into a routine towards the end of April. Then school let out for the summer. So here we go routine. But I've been planning things for the summer, so we will actually be pretty busy.
One thing I've been trying to figure out lately is role change. My role in the youth ministry changed completely. I can't always hang out after church or get there early to hang out, I can't go on all the trips winter and summer trips, I don't lead a girl's Bible study now, I don't go to all the games or recitals anymore (unless the kids join us). I'm sure there is more, but it's hard to be so involved and then to have your complete involvement cut off instantly is a rude awakening. Sometimes I feel guilty because I'm there for the youth all the time, but God has blessed this church with super college students and adults that lead and love the youth and are in a time in their life where they can be there. But it's strange, not to feel connected like I am used to being in the lives of students. But I forget I'm 31, not 21. My life is different now and it's a good different, I'm just trying to get used to that idea. :)
I am going to teach Sunday school for the 9th and 10th girls this summer, I think I'm excited about it. Nervous. That will be nice to be more involved. Then I realized that will cut me off from all adult contact except for youth parents. So on Wednedays, I'm going to a ladies Bible study. NEW! I can't remember the last time I wasn't in a Wednesday night service for youth. But I need adult interaction or I will go nuts. :)
So we are growing, slowly, but there is growth. There are more challenges than ever in our life. But I think we are gonna make it, even some days I still have my doubts. God is revealing a lot of ashes and pain in all our lives that He wants to heal and turn into beauty. Trials make us more tender and sensitive to others, so it's good.
Hope you keep reading, summer's gonna be fun!
Love you all,