Yeah, yeah

I know. I know. I promised more blogs. But if you looked at our calendar for the past 4 weeks you would know that blogging was at the back of the game.

About 2 or 3 weeks ago, letter A went great! We made Puppy Chow on our Chocolate on Tuesdays for an older couple in our church that the kids just love. Then we got to letter B and I got sick. Then VBS happened, then we were out of town and the past two days we did absolutely nothing and today we did letter C - or at least part of it. We also did Chocolate on Tuesdays today too. We made No Bake chocolate cookies and took them to the kid's friend's house. Their granddad has been in the hospital with possible heart attack. So we made a "comfort card" and cookies for hem. So we are getting there. S-L-O-W-L-Y.

I also realized that some of you are laughing. I am now laughing at myself. I thought that we could do 3 letters a week. WRONG! It's going to be more like 1 or 2 letters a week! I mean we haven't even gotten to register for swimming lessons yet!

Last week was great. We went to Alabama. My mom and I took the kids and Destin to the zoo. We had a great time and the kids got to ride a camel! Then I dropped the kids off at Brent's parents and came home. We had the house to ourselves for 3 whole days. What did I do on a stay-at-home-vacation without kids?? NOTHING!! I slept in, watched 3 movies, went to meet Kate who did our family pictures last weekend, we had a friends over at our house, we went to friends house and out to dinner with friends. No cleaning, no cooking, just nothing. It was wonderful!

The summer is going to be calm for maybe a few more weeks, especially with this heat wave coming. So maybe I will blog, maybe I won't. No promises! :) Happy summertime!


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