Today was . . .THERE ISNT A WORD (Marianne's description)

Today was a blurr, and we didnt really do anything, We have been so blessed to have the Tom and Carol to help us during this time, of transition. This morning we received a call that Carol was available to help us get around and get some things we needed for survival mode. Shoes, and underwear, and pajamas. Marianne and Carol walked to the local stores , while I "babysat" the children. I am not sure how to phrase that seeing as how they are my children, you know? When it came time for a nap, Cesia did not want to go to sleep, so Tom and I and Hugo and Olenka went for a walk, and within half a block she was out.

During our talk, Tom told me that the children's biological mother had found out that the children had been adopted, and she called him hysterically crying wanting to get her children back. Legally, there is nothing she can do, but I know that has to be extremly hard, and it did kinda wig me out for a moment. All is well though.

During the afternoon we had our supervised visit with our reps and the SNA representative. We went to the park across the street from the hotel. it is actually a really nice, beautiful park, but it was difficult to navigate with the stroller and 3 kiddos. We had a blast, and Hugo decided to throw the frisbee in the pool. So As I leaned him out over the pool, I realized this was going to be a  mistake, because he looked at me and smiled and into the pool he went, clothes and all. I couldnt be mad, i was trying really hard not laugh, and the men eating by the pool died laughing. It has been a really fun day, but pretty crazy.

We did end the day with a really delicious meal, thanks to Carol and her daughters. ---- we interrupt Brent's blog for a quick story from Marianne: tonight we had chicken cassarole. Cesia sits in a normal chair and feeds herself usually, but I've tried to start feeding her. Tonight, I cut up the chicken and noodles that she put from her plate to her bowl and then gave her a bite. She ate it and turned to Brent, took his knift and fork and started cutting up his chicken and noodles! She also stabbed his carrot with the fork, gave it to him, and dropped his fork in the floor. She's hilarious! ------- now back to your regularly scheduled blog.  Their daughters were so fabulous, they took the kids upstairs to play, and allowed us to ask questions about their past, present, and as many other things as we could think of. We got back to the Hotel and got them to sleep. 2 nights in a row. Well it is now time for bed for the "adults", we are going to the Incan ruins tomorrow!


I'm so glad y'all have been so blessed to have Tom & Carol to help out. It sounds like things are going well, praise the Lord! And I'm glad y'all finally found someone to help Brent eat properly. :) Keep the updates coming - we love keeping up with what is going on.
Much love, Daniel & Shannon

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