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Raw Thoughts

I have had this in my phone notes since April 2024. It’s not edited. Just my raw thoughts from that day. It’s been a crazy 8 months. I feel like it’s been a game of whack-a-mole! Yes I trust the Lord - but I wasn’t sure which path we were taking, so I wasn’t sure what to trust for! Do I trust we go back and serve in Uganda or do I trust that this is the new path and we are serving in the US?!?! I am sure my heart was saying “Just tell me which way to trust and I’ll do it. I’ll look for You on that path!”  Well there were zero angelic revelations and no toes miraculously grew back. It was so confusing! Mainly because neither of us felt called away from serving with HVG and in Uganda with HVG - so what in the world?!  There was lots to process, there were answers to prayers, and there were lots of lessons learned (and lots to keep learning) as I whacked-a-moled my way from path to path trying to figure it all out.  I don’t really think the point is to figure it out. The poi...

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