Domestic: To be or not to be

I bought a sewing machine. 

 I can't believe it. I wasn't ever one to sew. My mom sewed. She used to make my clothes. My grandmothers sewed. They made quilts. It seemed archaic to me. Plus I didn't fair so well at sewing in school when we had, what was called, Home Economics. Now, I think it's called something different. Whatever is the newest politically correct lable, I'm sure. 

I am not very domestic. I don't cook well. I don't enjoy cooking either, which is probably why I don't cook. I am terrible at grocery shopping and worse at making a grocery list. 
I do enjoy making the occasional sweets. Cooking can't be all bad when it's chocolate and you can like the spoon. We do try not to give the kids to much sugar. 
(OK! Actually we hide it and eat it after they go to bed! Shh! - Don't tell!)

I clean though. I'm pretty good at it too. Well, I was until my cleaning schedule was interrupted by plopping 3 messy children in the middle of it. They are good to clean their rooms and their bathrooms, when I ask them. But me, I do well to get the dishes put away and fold the laundry. Just be sure to leave your shoes on if you come over unannounced. My mop has been in the garage for months! 

Back to the sewing machine. I bought it and 2 spools of thread: one white, one black, back a few weeks go.  I considered buying for months before I actually bought it.  You have to think about these kinds of things you know, it's a big commitment. If you leap before you think, you can wind up with a big case of buyer's remorse. I've done that enough times to know I didn't want to go through it again.

The final decision maker was the paper garland I bought at a local antique store. $12.00 for 10 feet. Honey, I can make that and add more to it a lot cheaper. Cute paper, a few fancy shapes cut or stamped out, string that white thread through the needle and PRESTO! you've got garland. PUH-LEASE!  
I can do that. 

Also in my hopes for garland, I've also been spying cute little ditties on Pinterest and it's costume season. Three kids needing costumes once or twice every year, well, that'll break you! 
I've got to get one the needle! (sorry)

My mom's looked similar to the one above. Mine looks similar to the one below. 
Although I cannot recall at this moment if I bought a Brother or Singer brand. 
It was whatever the cheapest happened to be at Wal-Mart. 

I have yet to take the sewing machine out of the box. We've been busy. 
I look at it everytime I walk into our bedroom. It just sits there. Waiting. 
But I will prevail and pull that sucker out of the box soon. I will keep you posted in the sewing chronicles and if it turns out half decent, I might just post a picture. 

If you have any fun sewing stories, please share. 
If you need some ideas, visit this blog. 


Anonymous said…
I too bought a sewing machine a couple of Christmas ago. I had high hopes. I wanted to make a cute lil pants out fit for ry. The top turned out good! The pants looked like a jockey horse rider could wear them. It was sooooo pitiful! Chris laughed at my skills! I need lessons!! I did make some pillowcase dresses. Those are my If we lived closer we could get our cheap walmart sewing machines out and teach each other!! I am sure you are way more crafty tho! Remember the bows we made :) Oh how I miss you miss Colee!!!!!

Love ya,

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