Almost finished

One chapter left! I cannot believe it has taken me so long to finish this book! I have tried to more intentional with reading it so I can get to another book.

I have heard a phrase a few times in the past month that "new life is birthed out of darkness."

Beth more talked about it in her James study and Ann Voskamp talked about it in her blog post from April 1 and in her book.

Don't you love that truth? But it is much harder to live out and sometimes harder to believe. We be in such darkness that we get wrapped up in ourselves and we forget to serve other people.
Sometimes it's dark because of our circumstances. 

Ann quotes her brother-in-law on page 199: "The way through the pain is to reach out to others in theirs." You have to empty yourself to be filled. God transforms the ugly to beauty. (Isaiah 61)

Serving others bring joy. Joy means dying to yourself and being humble. There is no joy without trust.

Sometimes it's dark because maybe God has put us in the cleft of the rock and coverd us until He passes by. Like he did with Moses. Here is her quote from page 156:

"The bridge and our lives shake not because God has abandoned, but the exact opposite: God is passing by. God is in the tremors. Dark is the holiest ground, the glory passing by. In the blackest, God is closest, at work, forging His perfect and right will. Though it is black and we can't see and our world seems to be free-falling and we feel utterly alone, Christ is more present to us, I-beam supporting in earthquake. Then He will remove His hand. Then we will look. Then we will look back and see His back."




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