Day 1 of April - Three Gifts Round

This week I challenged the girls I taught at church on Sunday to do the Joy Dare today, Wednesday, and Friday. But I have to say today's was a hard one for me. Round gifts. I don't usually think in round. I prefer square. HA!

By 2:30 today I seriously was grasping at straws to find round gifts!I thought I was gonna have to throw in the towel! But finally all my gifts came after the kids came home from school.

1. Elizabeth's dandelion flower she picked for me.

2. Since it was such a lovely day outside, we went on a nature scavenger hunt. One of the items on the list was something round! Ta-da! Here is Ben's round nature find.
But the Round Gift for the Joy Dare was definately the sunshine!


3. I have finally settled on my third gift. A round paint roller. We've painted our bathroom and today we finished! Pictures will come later.
Well it's late-ish and my brain is tired of thinking! Good-night!
Conversation from this afternoon:
Breanna: "Mommy, there is a horse behind you."
I turned around (wink)
Breanna: "April Fool's!"



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