How to open a car door

This is the story of how we locked our keys in the car at Best Buy and of how Brent got our car unlocked.

First, I always lock my car. Brent, not so much. We parked, I looked in the ignition, the keys were not there. I assumed Brent had them. It wasn't until we were ready to leave that we noticed the keys were not among us. Apparently they were hiding under some paper in the middle console area. What follows is Brent's genius (or redneck) capabilities.

First Ben crawls on top of the car to insert Brent's wallet while Brent pulls back on the door.

Next, Brent uses my antenna to try to unlock the door and we take a selfie!


The antenna attempt failed. In a flash of brilliance, (I think you could call it that) Brent decided to break a branch off a nearby tree! Yes, a branch. He cleaned it off and gave Ben a large chunk of bark, a.k.a. mulch, to wedge into the door next to the wallet. I'm a little concerned at this point that we may be here for awhile. There are lots of people driving by us. I'm sure we were a curious site!  There is a man shoving a stick into a car and three children hanging around. Elizabeth is nervous about the ants crawling on the pavement and insisting that I hold her. Breanna, who has a crick in her neck, is standing, holding her body lopsided and asking if she can jump in the shrubs that are growing next to us. Really, I don't know how standing lopsided helps her crick, but apparently it works. Ben is sliding up and down the windshield, occasionally peering in to see if the branch is touching the unlock button.  

Yes, that's a branch in my car. 

After a few minutes of branch maneuvering, Brent decided he needed the strap off my purse. I don't know what this did to help. By now, I'm just trying to be thankful it's not raining and hoping that whatever trick Brent is trying will work. 

Presto! "It" worked! I don't know how, but after the longest 10 minutes of my life, Brent and Ben got the door opened. The car alarm started blaring. It was music to my ears!  

The kids thought it was great. It was a fun adventure., but I don't really care to repeat it. 

However, it is nice to know that if we ever lock our keys in the car in the woods, we will be able to unlock the car door. 


Zela said…
I wish I was that crafty........
Caleb Higgins said…
Wow!! Brent is super cool dad! I thought buy the first picture he was going to pry the door open! I mean he can roll up a frying pan.
Janet said…
that is so amazing, think what he is teaching the kids. No obstacle is too big if the LORD is on your side. :-)

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