Five Minute Friday - Lost

Write for five minutes. Don't worry much with editing, spelling, grammer. Write on the topic given by Lisa Jo Baker. Link to her blog.  GO!

I would love to get lost in her world. To understand what makes her tick. To see how her little brain functions. I love her little voice and her laugh. She plays all day, wouldn't stop if I didn't make her eat. Even then baby comes to lunch or Bambi comes to dine with us.

I could get lost in her big brown eyes. Full of life.

I could get lost in her imagination. Who would have thought to wear a boa, sunglasses, and fancy high heel shoes that click to the local store? Who would have known that fancy high heels make life more fun.

I could get lost in her stories and her facial expressions as she pretends with me. We have a snack and talk about her "day".

I could get lost in her world and love every minute of it. I love the little age of 4 and 5. I sort of want her to stay like this forever. But I also can't wait to see her in the future. Even then im sure I could stay lost in her world.


JenniferRM said…
Beautiful post! Our kids have so much to show us and teach us, if we'd only enter their world even for a moment!
blestbutstrest said…
What a bright-eyed sweetie pie! It's so important to spend time with them when they're young and eager to share their world. Those are definitely years you don't want to lose!
Laura Brown said…
I remember those creative outfits. It's a great age.

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