A Bad Day
I had something different for this post. Sort of a continuation of the Getting Groceries post. But let's be honest, it's the year of quarantine. At least that how it feels, eh? This has not been my best week.
And didn't I just boast all about "choosing the manna"?! You have to take the good with the bad.
I know that moving to Uganda was gift. At least that is how I see it, as a gift. I know that's the truth.
But this quarantine is threatening all the joy. Satan and sin sure are trying to kill, steal, and destroy with it. Sometimes it's a little harder to fight alone. I know we are not alone, but at the moment, since we are all holed up in our homes, sure does feel like it. Especially if some things are hard to share with others.
Feelings can lie. Truth is truth no matter what your feelings say. Sometimes feelings disguise themselves as the truth and wreak havoc on your heart and mind. They can wreak havoc on your life if you act on them without getting to the bottom of things first.
At the conference Kellie and I attended, we talked all about mental health. It was a great conference, although sadly it was cut short. It was very eye opening. In this paragraph are some of the things we learned. And since I am talking about feelings, it's connected. We all experience and see our life thru our own lenses. Growing up with your life experiences slowly form deep beliefs that weld themselves into the very bottom of your heart and soul. Just like the ice burg example we all have heard. These beliefs are what we believe about ourselves, how are life is, and how other people are. They affect every part of us. Sometimes these deep beliefs are wrong, they are king lies that all the other bad feelings in your life are built upon. That's why these king lies seem like the truth. It's been how you have seen or experienced life since you were, so how could it not be the truth? If bad enough, you will do everything you can to avoid feeling the feelings that come with the lie.
((I cannot write the entire conference here. But that is just the tiniest portion of our days.))
I think that's partly how Satan can creep in so easily and destroy your joy. He's been working at it since before you were born. We can do his work for him by just believing the lies. He knows that our actions will follow if we believe them deep enough.
You know you can't believe everything on TV or on Facebook or on the World Wide Web, so why do we so easily believe every feeling or thought that comes to our minds? I don't really know.
Renewing your mind, like in Romans 12, is also scientific. It is a physical change that takes place in your brain. It might take years, but it happens. You really have to inundate yourself with the truth. You have to make changes. But change only comes when you are fully persuaded that it is the right thing. That doesn't mean it's easy though. Some days are battles you win and some days are battles you lose. You just have to get back up again. Or maybe just resting thru the storm is better. I'm not sure which.
A friend messaged me last night to see how she could pray for us. I told her all the things in the shortest way I could over a message. Sometimes I ramble. If you have ever talked to me, you know you're going to get the play by play of my life! HA! You know she responded with? A hug thru her words. Then she reminded me of the truth and she said she would pray. I know this lady. She really means it when she says she will pray. She was the grace given in my life yesterday. I am so thankful for her!
I hope you are fairing well during quarantine, at least I hope it's better than my week! I will have to get out in the sunshine more today or tomorrow.
I'll try to finish my thoughts from Getting Groceries and do another post thoughts on how moving here is a gift. Ciao!
And didn't I just boast all about "choosing the manna"?! You have to take the good with the bad.
I know that moving to Uganda was gift. At least that is how I see it, as a gift. I know that's the truth.
But this quarantine is threatening all the joy. Satan and sin sure are trying to kill, steal, and destroy with it. Sometimes it's a little harder to fight alone. I know we are not alone, but at the moment, since we are all holed up in our homes, sure does feel like it. Especially if some things are hard to share with others.
Feelings can lie. Truth is truth no matter what your feelings say. Sometimes feelings disguise themselves as the truth and wreak havoc on your heart and mind. They can wreak havoc on your life if you act on them without getting to the bottom of things first.
At the conference Kellie and I attended, we talked all about mental health. It was a great conference, although sadly it was cut short. It was very eye opening. In this paragraph are some of the things we learned. And since I am talking about feelings, it's connected. We all experience and see our life thru our own lenses. Growing up with your life experiences slowly form deep beliefs that weld themselves into the very bottom of your heart and soul. Just like the ice burg example we all have heard. These beliefs are what we believe about ourselves, how are life is, and how other people are. They affect every part of us. Sometimes these deep beliefs are wrong, they are king lies that all the other bad feelings in your life are built upon. That's why these king lies seem like the truth. It's been how you have seen or experienced life since you were, so how could it not be the truth? If bad enough, you will do everything you can to avoid feeling the feelings that come with the lie.
((I cannot write the entire conference here. But that is just the tiniest portion of our days.))
I think that's partly how Satan can creep in so easily and destroy your joy. He's been working at it since before you were born. We can do his work for him by just believing the lies. He knows that our actions will follow if we believe them deep enough.
You know you can't believe everything on TV or on Facebook or on the World Wide Web, so why do we so easily believe every feeling or thought that comes to our minds? I don't really know.
Renewing your mind, like in Romans 12, is also scientific. It is a physical change that takes place in your brain. It might take years, but it happens. You really have to inundate yourself with the truth. You have to make changes. But change only comes when you are fully persuaded that it is the right thing. That doesn't mean it's easy though. Some days are battles you win and some days are battles you lose. You just have to get back up again. Or maybe just resting thru the storm is better. I'm not sure which.
A friend messaged me last night to see how she could pray for us. I told her all the things in the shortest way I could over a message. Sometimes I ramble. If you have ever talked to me, you know you're going to get the play by play of my life! HA! You know she responded with? A hug thru her words. Then she reminded me of the truth and she said she would pray. I know this lady. She really means it when she says she will pray. She was the grace given in my life yesterday. I am so thankful for her!
I hope you are fairing well during quarantine, at least I hope it's better than my week! I will have to get out in the sunshine more today or tomorrow.
I'll try to finish my thoughts from Getting Groceries and do another post thoughts on how moving here is a gift. Ciao!