Ready or not, here we grow!

HAHA! Today we have offical guardianship of the tres ninos! Brent's birthday present. Tonight was the first night for them to stay with us. We spent all day at Morning Star and then had to be back for a doctor appointment at 5:00. The doctor was running late, so we did not leave the doctor's office till about 7 -something! The girls took a "sit-down" bath tonight. I don't know if they have ever taken a bath like that before, but they LOVED it! Cesia, who did not like the water yesterday, was splashing around like crazy and cried when I took her out. But it was WAY past bedtime. After awhile we just had to laugh. I spilled Cesia's milk everywhere and we realized we did not make it out with her bottle for the milk, so she did not drink the milk. We did not have any underwear for Hugo and no pajamas for Olenka (although I know we packed a bag! It has to be around somewhere) and we brought a nice basket with apples in it from Morning Star by accident! Hilarious! Finally they were asleep. Maybe they will sleep a little later tomorrow since they went to bed later than usual. Every suitcase in the room is exploding all over or crammed in the closet - tomorrow is organization day! We either had to laugh or cry. We did both today, laughter was the better choice tonight. Tomorrow, the adoptions office comes to observe us at 3:00.

Here we are signing some papers at Morning Star

Each class had a big party for the kids.
Mucho fun! Mucho heartbreak.

Best buddies

too cute!


LauraLynn said…
Wow, parenting is full of every emotion you can think of. Yal have had a lot of them this week. Sounds like the laughter and tears were a good stress releaver. Hope today is a great day for all.
Love ya. Mom

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