Poor Brent
I turn 32 tomorrow y'all. The big "8years-before-40" number. It's age my mom was when she had my younger brother. Today his is birthday. He's 27. The age my mom was when she had me!
So as you might guess, Valentine's Day was never celebrated in all it's glory at our house growing up. We were too busy blowing out the candles. I guess that why I felt the need to remind my dad every year to get my mom roses. He must have gotten tired of it, but all kids want to see their parents being romantic and lovey-dovey. It's security.
Oh and yes, there were 2 cakes; 2 parties. Don't even think about rolling it all into one big birthday bash. My mom did try that once. Apparently it didn't fly, because she never did it again.
So naturally when Brent and I got married, I expected the week to continue on as it always had and be all about.....me! (Number one: when you get married, you realize how selfish you are.) Sooo.....big surprise to me when I discovered that Valentine's Day was celebrated as a separate holiday for the rest of the world and my birthday was, well, the next day.
Poor Brent. This year though, he got the hint and we didn't buy a thing. Not even a card. I'm not a big fan of cards. (unless they come from my friend in Alaska, then I love them.) I decided awhile that words are just not my love language and that is why I have a dislike for cards. Brent, however, is a big fan of cards and naturally, words of affirmation are his love language.
Poor Brent again. I'm terrible with words, which is ironic because I have this blog.
A few years ago, I finally found the best card to get him. It was for our anniversary. I bought it early. I was so excited. One, because I had a card. Two, I bought early. Three, it was perfect for us! I hid it
in the best spot. The big day came, I couldn't wait, Brent would be so surprised and proud of me! I
had something for him. But, don't you know, I couldn't remember where I hid the blasted card! Talk about raining on my parade! So I dreamed up something different, because I didn't tell him. I decided to keep it for the next. Valentine's Day. You know song.......well I'm sure there's a song, but anyway, Valentine's Day rolls around and no card. I can't make this stuff up people!
Poor Brent. The guy just can't catch a break!
During this time there were some papers that were not lost and we had other papers that were kept in close proximity that were essential for us to leave this bless-ed country and head to Peru.
Amidst all the flurry of packing and re-arranging our lives, I found the card! It was in a Bible. For real. Guess I didn't used that one much! So I packed it. This time, it was in my Bible, but there was only one going with me, so I knew I wouldn't lose it. Brent finally received his card, on his birthday.
7 months later.
Poor Brent. It's our 12th Valentine's Day together. (Combined dating and marriage)
He loves me. I love him. With or without a card.
P.S. the iPad had lost. I cannot upload photos. Boo! Hiss!
So as you might guess, Valentine's Day was never celebrated in all it's glory at our house growing up. We were too busy blowing out the candles. I guess that why I felt the need to remind my dad every year to get my mom roses. He must have gotten tired of it, but all kids want to see their parents being romantic and lovey-dovey. It's security.
Oh and yes, there were 2 cakes; 2 parties. Don't even think about rolling it all into one big birthday bash. My mom did try that once. Apparently it didn't fly, because she never did it again.
So naturally when Brent and I got married, I expected the week to continue on as it always had and be all about.....me! (Number one: when you get married, you realize how selfish you are.) Sooo.....big surprise to me when I discovered that Valentine's Day was celebrated as a separate holiday for the rest of the world and my birthday was, well, the next day.
Poor Brent. This year though, he got the hint and we didn't buy a thing. Not even a card. I'm not a big fan of cards. (unless they come from my friend in Alaska, then I love them.) I decided awhile that words are just not my love language and that is why I have a dislike for cards. Brent, however, is a big fan of cards and naturally, words of affirmation are his love language.
Poor Brent again. I'm terrible with words, which is ironic because I have this blog.
A few years ago, I finally found the best card to get him. It was for our anniversary. I bought it early. I was so excited. One, because I had a card. Two, I bought early. Three, it was perfect for us! I hid it
in the best spot. The big day came, I couldn't wait, Brent would be so surprised and proud of me! I
had something for him. But, don't you know, I couldn't remember where I hid the blasted card! Talk about raining on my parade! So I dreamed up something different, because I didn't tell him. I decided to keep it for the next. Valentine's Day. You know song.......well I'm sure there's a song, but anyway, Valentine's Day rolls around and no card. I can't make this stuff up people!
Poor Brent. The guy just can't catch a break!
During this time there were some papers that were not lost and we had other papers that were kept in close proximity that were essential for us to leave this bless-ed country and head to Peru.
Amidst all the flurry of packing and re-arranging our lives, I found the card! It was in a Bible. For real. Guess I didn't used that one much! So I packed it. This time, it was in my Bible, but there was only one going with me, so I knew I wouldn't lose it. Brent finally received his card, on his birthday.
7 months later.
Poor Brent. It's our 12th Valentine's Day together. (Combined dating and marriage)
He loves me. I love him. With or without a card.
P.S. the iPad had lost. I cannot upload photos. Boo! Hiss!