Something Sour and Lots of Links

Back in January one of the gifts was for something sour. I had received an email that morning from a friend concerning the trafficking problem in Peru. That turned into my something sour.

No there is no joy in trafficking.

You may or may not know this, but our little ones spent sometime on the streets before they were taken to Morning Star Children's Home. It is not a secret to them nor to us. We try to be open about it when they want to talk.

With this knowledge, you should know that it is a miracle that they were not picked up by a trafficker.
My something sour. My kids are safe in their beds at night. My kids are free to run and play and ride tricycles around the kitchen.

Every time I looked at Elizabeth riding her tricyle around the house that day, I wanted to cry. She know she is loved and safe. But there are millions of little girls who don't know anything about real love and safety.

There are 27 million people trapped in trafficking. Men, women, boys, and girls. Any age applies. They are treated worse than your dog. It's a billion dollar industry. It's sickening.

There is a statistic that in the US a kid is approached by a trafficker within 48 hours of running away from home.  Can you imagine what it is in a foreign county whose justice system may or may not be functional?

There are many ways to get involved with the human trafficking movement.

Prayer is so vital. It's spiritual warfare. Our God is a God of justice and our Defender. There will be a day of vengeance.

*Pray daily for the the 27 million in trafficking. Pray for those who are working to get them out of   trafficking. Pray against their perpetrators. Pray for God to move mountains and do miracles.

*Write your Congressman to vote for the bills that are on the floor to help the fight against human trafficking.

*Attend or live-stream the Global Prayer Gathering in April

Check out these websites:

International Justice Mission
His Voice Global
Stella's House
End It Movement
Slavery Footprint
Polaris Project
Abolition International

"You will bring justice to the orphans and the oppressed, so mere people can no longer terrify them."
Psalm 10:18


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