Chapter 1 of 7
7 by Jen Hatmaker
Just so you know, pages 36 & 37 have almost convinced me to do the food part of 7. What?! I don't even like avcados or sweet potatoes! My reasons would not even close to spiritual either! Some of the earned extra's from her fast were losing weight, more energy and healthy skin. That's what I'm talking about!
Food has become the enemy to me. I don't even know why really. But I just want to eat. All day and after 8:00; choosing whatever my taste buds are screaming for at the moment. Fast food, sweet food, sour food, etc. The taste buds always win. Pesky little things. I can't quite place when or why this food habit started, but its got to stop. If not, I may wind up as an elephant!
Food has become the enemy to me. I don't even know why really. But I just want to eat. All day and after 8:00; choosing whatever my taste buds are screaming for at the moment. Fast food, sweet food, sour food, etc. The taste buds always win. Pesky little things. I can't quite place when or why this food habit started, but its got to stop. If not, I may wind up as an elephant!
Chaper 2 is the clothes chapter. This should be interesting. Back in January I wanted to do something I heard about called 30 for 30 in which you wear only 30 articles for 30 days. It boils down to something like 4 shirts, 2 pants , some skirts and sweaters, a few pair of shoes, and a dress or two. The idea is to see how many outfits you can make using only those clothes I decided not to do it because I was working on a few other things and didn't want too many irons in the fire, so to speak.
I wonder what will become from the clothes chapter. Plus if I can drop a few pounds, I may wind up with only 7 items that actually fit!
Joy Dare Gifts from May 12:
3 gifts held in your hand:
1. Breanna's hand
2. A painting from Breanna
3. The book 7
Joy Dare Gifts from May 12:
3 gifts held in your hand:
1. Breanna's hand
2. A painting from Breanna
3. The book 7