May 10 - A gift inside, outside, upside down

I feel like my best blog posts come to me at night. I think that's when my mind finally calms down and my thoughts can connect and actually make complete sentences. But by that time, I'm in bed and almost asleep and there is no way I'm leaving my warm covers to write a blog post. Although, this blog would certainly be much more interesting if I did and you know more about what this blog was originally intended to be: an accountability for me to keep up with the joy dare (even if no one is reading it).

Even now, I can't remember my thoughts from last night!

Oh well. So it goes.

Today's gifts are:

a gift inside: teaching Breanna to play Battleship. She picked up pretty well. Just a little confusion. At one point after she got it, she said "I'm paying attention!"

a gift outside: Elizabeth playing and singing in the rain in her bathing suit = adorable!
a gift upside down:  a this point in the day I haven't found anything upside down. Unless it was my life! Right after we adopted the children I renamed our adoption blog Life Upside Down. And that's exactly what it was! Then I renamed it again. One day, I will be consistent.



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