
Today’s prompt: Explore

That is word that can bring excitement or fear. 

It’s also a word that brings a picture to my mind of children wearing fake coonskin hats and carrying bows and arrows made from limbs and old string. They are just crossing a fallen tree on the outskirts of the forest to start their pretend hunt for a bear. Maybe too much Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. 😂 

When you explore there is possibility. Possibly finding something new or figuring something out. You could come to understand something that you did not understand before. 

I think there is always a risk in exploring. Exploring take courage. It possibly means you need to have some humility in you as you explore. Humility to admit you were wrong about something or right about something without making others feel inferior. Humility to change the way you see traditions and circumstances in your life. Exploring means possibly finding a weakness. You can definitely find a strength that you didn’t know you had when you explore. 

Exploring will bring you new possibilities and opportunities. It will grow and challenge you.  Or it could lead you to wear a coonskin cap and take your kids on a pretend bear hunt. 

Wherever exploring takes you, enjoy the journey. 


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