
This one was a little harder for me today. 
I always have the best intentions, don’t you? 

My good intentions usually mean a job half done because I remember at the last minute and try to make-up for it. Sort of like this post! 😂 

My intention is to write every day this week for the Hope*Writers Challenge. Today’s prompt is intention. Well my intentions were blown out of the water by today’s schedule. I just didn’t have time to sit and think about the word, intention. 

The past 2 months, the synapses in my brain have been working over time. 

In August, I could literally only think about the present day. I forgot everything and at times just wondered around the house because there was so much to do, I wasn’t sure where or how to start.

September has been much less forgetful, but more figuring out where everything is and where everything goes. Except my brain wants it all finished yesterday! 

Writing is something I really enjoy. Writing is also something that definitely requires being intentional. Scheduling out a time is the key. Making room in your life for the people and things you enjoy takes work. It causes you to prioritize which can be hard. You have to say no to some things to yes to others. I’ve been learning to say no. 

So this week, I’ll be learning about being more intentional with writing. 

What area do you need to intentionally work on in your life? 


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