I love a good thunderstorm. Being raised in Alabama, like a good southerner, I stood on the porch watching the storm (hopefully) come in. The wind feels so good!
Actually, I think the country next to us might be getting soaked!
It’s rainy season here and that brings hope. Hope for green trees producing fruit. Hope for gardens growing. Hope for water. Hope for a little cooler weather (for me anyways!).
That’s how Jesus comes to us. Like the rain. Full of hope, life, growth, new.
Take a minute and stand on your front porch (or wherever you are) and watch God in your life. During this season of life, where do you see God bringing hope, life, growth, and new to you?
Soak it all in deeply. Our spirits thrive in the presence of God.
“Let us strive to know the Lord. His appearance is as sure as the dawn. He will come to us like the rain, like the spring showers that water the land.” Hosea 6:3