Ben's Birthday

Tuesday is Ben's birthday. He will be 11! We had his birthday party tonight

Cousins: Ryder, Ben, and Grayson

He received some really awesome presents!

Power Rangers, Spiderman, Toby Mac CD, the Narnia trilogy

A Jr. set of golf clubs from Nanna and PawPaw

Bongos from Ninna and Granddaddy

Yay the ice cream cake!

We have a great family!

Tomorrow we have Bible for Benjamin to open. He has his Spanish Bible and takes whatever one he finds around the house to church (when we remember), but I think he will be excited to have his own Bible. We had his name engraved on it. I think we are going to have a Narnia marathon tomorrow night.
Benjamin was really excited about his party, but in all honesty, I think Breanna was more excited! She couldn't wait to give him his gift, she helped with his gifts and passed out the forks, she very big production of happy birthday as we all sang. She pretty much ran around the whole night shouting and just being excited about everything. It was a fun night.


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