A prayer and a giggle

This is the prayer part:
Well here we are at post number 100 (according to my blogger dashboard). I'm pretty sure I remember hearing that when a television show hits 100 episodes, it's a big deal. So I thought I could have a little 100 post party. I even had a video planned for it. But right now our little family is stressed to the max with this move. At least I think that's it. It doesn't feel like it,  but there are underlying tensions between everyone, so I just going to blame it all on the stress of moving. So for post number 100, if you could just pray for our family , our marriage, our kids, our new house, our old house, our new ministry that would be the best thing right now.

This is the giggle part:
I once met a lady in a group setting who asked if our kids we adopted were Mexican. Uh, no their Peruivan (although Hispanic, Latino same difference, I guess.) She then asked if they spoke English. I somehow managed to sum it all up into something like: "they learned English at the children's home and have picked it up well since we've home." Her response: "Oh. Well that must make it not so challenging."  I wish I could have seen the look on my face. I really just wanted to laugh. Really hard. But I refrained. Even now, her response make me giggle, please feel free to join me! :)


Janet said…
Yes, language is a part of the adjustment, but a minor part, compared to personalities, authority figures and the total change in everyone's life. Will be praying for you, the kids, the move, the new church and a quick transition from this ministry to the new one, and from this neighborhood to the new one, and from all the wonderful friends you have there to new wonderful friends you will be making in your new town. God be with you always and may you feel his peace that passeth all understanding right now and through the next months.
Love you all,

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