A prayer and a giggle
This is the prayer part:
Well here we are at post number 100 (according to my blogger dashboard). I'm pretty sure I remember hearing that when a television show hits 100 episodes, it's a big deal. So I thought I could have a little 100 post party. I even had a video planned for it. But right now our little family is stressed to the max with this move. At least I think that's it. It doesn't feel like it, but there are underlying tensions between everyone, so I just going to blame it all on the stress of moving. So for post number 100, if you could just pray for our family , our marriage, our kids, our new house, our old house, our new ministry that would be the best thing right now.
This is the giggle part:
I once met a lady in a group setting who asked if our kids we adopted were Mexican. Uh, no their Peruivan (although Hispanic, Latino same difference, I guess.) She then asked if they spoke English. I somehow managed to sum it all up into something like: "they learned English at the children's home and have picked it up well since we've home." Her response: "Oh. Well that must make it not so challenging." I wish I could have seen the look on my face. I really just wanted to laugh. Really hard. But I refrained. Even now, her response make me giggle, please feel free to join me! :)
Well here we are at post number 100 (according to my blogger dashboard). I'm pretty sure I remember hearing that when a television show hits 100 episodes, it's a big deal. So I thought I could have a little 100 post party. I even had a video planned for it. But right now our little family is stressed to the max with this move. At least I think that's it. It doesn't feel like it, but there are underlying tensions between everyone, so I just going to blame it all on the stress of moving. So for post number 100, if you could just pray for our family , our marriage, our kids, our new house, our old house, our new ministry that would be the best thing right now.
This is the giggle part:
I once met a lady in a group setting who asked if our kids we adopted were Mexican. Uh, no their Peruivan (although Hispanic, Latino same difference, I guess.) She then asked if they spoke English. I somehow managed to sum it all up into something like: "they learned English at the children's home and have picked it up well since we've home." Her response: "Oh. Well that must make it not so challenging." I wish I could have seen the look on my face. I really just wanted to laugh. Really hard. But I refrained. Even now, her response make me giggle, please feel free to join me! :)
Love you all,