On Moving: the kids
WARNING: RAMBLING. But there is a song at the end.
The movers came yesterday! I am so thankful someone packed the truck. Brent, me and my mom packed most of our house. It was nice to go through clothes and things get rid of items. But by Monday night, I was done. I couldn't pack anymore. Yesterday, for me was stressful! Breanna and Elizabeth woke up with fevers. So I spent the day at the doctor and waiting on medicine. Breanna is being treated for pneumonia and whooping cough. The whooping cough test hasn't come back yet, but they when the pneumonia came back positive they put her on both meds. Please pray that it is just pneumonia and none of us catch it! Elizabeth just has a little cold. So instead of going to our new house last night, the 4 of us stayed at my parents and Brent went with the movers.
Here are few pics I got of girls while we were waiting for the movers. Ben was ready for his last day of school at 7:00 and wanted to get there asap. So he and Brent went to eat breakfast.
One sad part of moving is that we are not taking our pup, Cody.
My parents are taking him for us.
The kids are so excited about a new house and our new state they can't stand it!
I think they are a bit nervous about a new school. They love the church.
I am curious as to how this move will affect them. The reason our house location is the best is that it will allow for our attachment process to be a little easier. The first house we wanted was smack dab in the middle of a subdivision that had lots of children who play at each other's houses. Our kids are still learning boundaries with other people and how to act in another person's house that is not your own. (example: they are having to learn you cannot pull out everything and open every draw and touch everything)! HAHA!
They are very social kids and with so many kids in a neighborhood, I think they would have a hard time understanding why they couldn't go in someone's house or play with the kids all the time, etc.
The house we have now is not in subdivision. There is someone across the street and people have houses behind us, but you can't to their houses from our house by yard.
My greatest fear is how to address kid boundaries in our new church. At our church here, everyone was so fabulous with helping when they first arrived. By helping I mean, they were careful to not meet the needs of the children, but to let us and not to have physical contact. We appreciated that so much!
But with people who do not know about the attachment process, I have a hard time explaining to people, well they aren't your normal American child like you might think or please don't allow my child to sit in your lap because you are not family. They have to learn the differences with family and friends. So I'm glad God put us out in a house away from others so that we dont have so much to deal with at once.
Sometimes I think the kids will never attach and sometimes I think we won't attach to them! It's a two-way street.
I think that this is a good time to move. Because the kids WE are learning how to be a family. We are all attached enough for being a family for 4 months and they love our parents and their aunts and uncles and cousins. Moving now instead of next summer when they are fully ingrained here is much better!
There may be setbacks, but I think we will live through them. This is better because in July I didn't think any of us were going to live through this adjustment time! I do know that the adjustment period lasts about a year or more. They will regress, we might regress. I'm not looking forward to those days. They are hard and depressing. But I have to remember the kids will be fine. We will be fine. Everything will be fine. Why? God is in control. He started all this anyway and He promised to finish what He starts. On days that are bad, I think about Laura Story's song Blessings - I love the line that says: the pain reminds this heart that this is not our home and the line the achings of this life is the revealing of a greater thirst this world can't satifsy.
If our life had background this song would be included in the playlist
God be with you all as you settle
Hoping that Breanna is better and bet she doesn't slow down much.
Did the Whooping cough test come back?
God bless you all,
Godspeed in your new home...how exciting all the changes in one year!! I think of you often, but so seldom sit down at this monster computer anymore.....