Our Thankful Tree

We picked up branches for our Thankful Tree last week. Just me and Breanna. Brent and Elizabeth were playing and Ben was hanging out playing with his favorite birthday gift. 

It was a cool evening, so we hurried to find a few good twigs. 

I realize we are about 2 weeks late, but at least we got the tree started. This morning after the kids were dressed and teeth were brushed, Ben, Breanna, and I stood around the table. It wasn't as scared as it sounds. Bre read the verse and each of us listed 2 things we are thankful for on the back. It's going to get interesting soon. Breanna took the 2 "easy" ones. Family. Friends. Ben pulled out "school". WHAT?! Ok. I'm not sure if he is exactly thankful for school, but maybe deep down underneath the avid hate for homework, there is apart of him that enjoys learning. He also listed his iPod.
 No surprise there. 
That left me. This morning was COLD, so I was particularly thankful for my coat and recently I purchased a few winter times that were needed and so I wrote "clothes".

I love her sense of "style". 

Our first verse: Ephesians 5:20

"Giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ."

Want to make your own thankful tree? Click HERE.
Better late than never! 

Be thankful friends. 


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