The Blasted Tooth Fairy

The Tooth Fairy has been to our house. So she must be real. I mean, Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny never come to our house, but somehow, I assume with tiny wings,  little Miss Tooth Fairy managed to fly in under the radar.

Let me tell you how it happened.

Elizabeth had a tooth to abscess. I noticed one night when we were laughing that a pea-sized bump had formed on her gum above her tooth. The front right tooth. I was a little concerned and had Brent text a picture to our dentist immediately, as if there was something he could about it right then!

(Hey! I'm allowed one freak-out mom moment, right)

Of course, since we are on a text-message based relationship with our dentist, he did what every other dentist would do and said, "bring her in tomorrow."

I'll make this part of the story quick. For about two weeks, we went back and forth to the dentist. He was hoping for the bump to go away using the antibiotic, so he could pull the dead tooth. Longer story, short, all hopes failed. Teeth are apparently stubborn when they are sick.

The third appointment was at 8:00 in the morning.  Yeah. That makes sense. To everyone else who is not 4!

Anyways, we walked in the door around 8:00. Let's just say that somehow I missed the tooth pulling memo and just thought they were going to fill 2 cavities in her mouth. Let's just say that I told her that the dentist was going to do a quick buzzzz on her cavities and just look at her bump. Let's just say, Elizabeth was totally unsuspecting. Poor child. Someone should really talk to her mama.

Since the next part lacks in excitement and joy, I'll spare you the details. Although I do sort of imagine the waiting room looking like this during the whole ordeal:

Oh, I will mention that our time at the dentist also included me laying my entire body on Elizabeth to hold her down. Home girl is strong.

Fast-foward 3 hours. (Ah...the procedure didn't take 3 hours, we may have gone Chick-fil-a afterwards for some "comfort" food.) As soon as she got out of the car, Elizabeth was flying into the house yelling "Como Estas!!!" at the TOP of her lungs. If her little legs could have gone any faster, I really think she might have defied gravity! She had pulled her tooth out of her tooth holder and had it under her pillow before I got in the house. She was laughing, dancing, shouting all over the place that the Tooth
Fairy was going to come. She just knew that she was going to catch the Tooth Fairy! Her plan even included a Plans B and C. If she fell asleep, then Pillow was on the job to catch the fairy. If Pillow didn't catch her, then Stitch or Olaf stood guard.

I think she checked on her tooth about 600 times before bed. She talked about what gifts the tooth fairy would bring: make-up, quarters, etc. We played Tooth Fairy. Each time about a dozen toys were shoved under my pillow as I "slept". She wondered if the tooth fairy would come if she slept in mommy's bed. She wondered if the tooth fairy was invisible. She talked more about catching the tooth fairy. At this point the Tooth Fairy pretty much ruled the world.

Let's go back to point of that I don't do the legendary-people-coming-into-your-house-at-night-to-walk-around-while-you-sleep-even-though-they-leave-you-presents thing.   Stay with me.
We even busted the news to Elizabeth this Christmas about Santa and the Real St. Nick.  Don't hate. 
I didn't know what to do about Miss Tooth Fairy.  

That being stated, I knew couldn't handle the thought of Elizabeth waking up, looking under her pillow and finding nothing but a sheet. After all, her little mouth had been through torture that day. What else was there to do? I just rolled with it.  Later, much later, that night I typed out a little note that I spruced up with glitter-y letter stickers for the signature. That looked cute. Sort-of.  Then I sprayed a bit of the girls' body glitter spray on the money thinking that would make it fancier. All I got was wet money that smelled fruit-ish. Blah. (So you'll have to buy real glitter spray if you want fancy money from your TF.)

Anyways. I rolled up the money inside the note, tied a pink bow around it and snuck it under her pillow. Well there wasn't too much sneaking seeing as she was still asleep in my bed, but you get the picture.

The next morning, I expected bells and whistles. What actually happened was a slow walk into my room with the pink note and money in hand. I don't know what happened. I think there was excitement, maybe I missed it. Maybe she was really expecting a dozen toys! I just don't know.

Feeling the need to redeem myself - or the Tooth Fairy - I'm not sure whom needed it, the next night a pair of purple wings appeared under her pillow. (Dollar Tree - actual cost: a dolla…holla!)

I don't know who I am. First, I'm panicking because I know at some point the truth will come out about Miss TF. Next thing ya know, I'm at the Dollar Tree picking up a second prize!

One thing I do know is that, it will be awhile before the Tooth Fairy makes another visit to our house. Four-year-olds don't lose teeth very often and the eight-year-old is slow in losing her teeth, so maybe I'll have more time to plan what Mz. Wingz will bring.

(Sorry for the lack of pictures.) 


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