Hiding by the sea

Marianne and I debated a bit about wheter to post this. We need your prayers for safety, and a fast process as many of you are well away. We had to move from our hotel because we had a feeling the childrens birth mother, was on her way to town. We were right. The mother and grandmother, and what appears to be a reporter and a lawyer came to town and went to the adoptions office. We were in town at the local market, a few blocks away, when we got the phone call from Tom to get out of town, as fast as we could. They then went to the morningstar, and then to Tom´s house. We are pretty sure that they are still looking around town, but thankfully we have a safe place to stay. tonight the children began to tell us personally things about their past. many are things we had already heard, but for them to tell us is a huge deal. continue to pray for us, i am heading back to the house. It was about a 10 minute walk to the internet cafe, and marianne has the kids watching a movie before bed. Ice Age i think it is tonight. sorry it is so short, but i hope you understand.
love the colee 5


April said…
Praying praying praying! Love you guys and hope everything hurries along and you can get far far away soon! Miss you times a million!
Laura said…
Praying for the safety for you all.
greg said…
in our prayers God is bigger than any problem
Praying to expedite your blessed family out of there and your safety until that day.

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11
amy said…
know that we are praying for you every day..and sometimes all night :)... we love you bunches and can't wait for you to get home!!
Y'all are in our prayers daily! We hope you make it home soon and safely!!
LauraLynn said…
Psalm 91
Love Mom
Julie said…
We have been praying for you all and keeping up with the posts. Do you mind if we share your concerns about the mother with the church family so they can be praying? We love you all... sounds like you are doing well! youth had swim party tonight - it was fun - you were greatly missed! we all can't wait until you are all here! ...we are praying! love, MJ and Julie
Debbie said…
I have been so busy at work I have not had a chance to check your blog for a while. Ronnie was talking to me this a.m. at church about it. I now have read every word of it now and can only say "WOW"! I know that God is working in this and has been all along. He won't let you down now. We are praying for your safety and for all five members of Colee family to adjust and grow in love for one another! Can't wait for you to get back here and begin to establish a "routine" here. I see my favorite very has already been posted by the Sandlin family so I'll not repost but just say DITTO!
Debbie said…
That should say favorite verse.
bobsblog said…
You are loved on this side of the whole thing too and prayed for all the time. When I wake at night you are the first thing I pray. God bless you as you process the papers today. May your patience outlast the process. :-)
Love to you all,
Bob and Janet
Amanda said…
Praying for you guys! Looking forward to the next update!
Charity said…
Continuing to pray for all 5 of you daily. Cooper was asking about Brent at church Sunday. I explained to him why you have not been there. He is excited about meeting your children!

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