There are certain people that we think about when Brent and I remember our seminary years. Okay, let me rephrase that, when Brent and I talk about our life there are certain people that we always mention! :) Every now and then you make friends that you connect in such a way that it is a lifetime bond. The Whatley's are part of that group. Aaron and Danna impacted our live. We were devestated and appalled when we found out about Aaron's death. So Monday afternoon we packed up my mom's car (THANK YOU MOM AND DAD!!) and began the 10 hour trip to Texas. Of course, we did break up the trip in to 2 days! The kids did very well on the way out here, although about the last 30 minutes everyone had reached their limit! We are thankful that the Lord gave someone the brilliant idea of putting DVD players in the car! Our main reason for the trip was to say good-bye to our dear friend Aaron and support Danna, Charis and all their family members.
Aaron's memorial service gave glory all to God and honored Aaron. Songs were: Never Let Go, How He Loves, and O Happy Day. Also, the Star Wars theme song was played as the family came in the sanctuary. Their pastor, a friend, and Danna's father spoke during the service. Everyone was dressed in blue jeans and black t-shirts - Aaron's favorite atire. After you read this, please pray for Danna and Charis. There are no words to describe her pain and grief. We love them much.
The paragraph below was written on Aaron's facebook page by one of his friends. I thought she worded this well.
"Why does it hurt so bad when you find out about the death of a friend? Because that person touched you and the world in such a way that left you changed. Something about them was special and you recognized that in an instance. And the hurt truly reaches up from within because you feel robbed of what could have been great in their life and in the life of others, because of them.....I know I will be able to laugh with the great Aaron again one day in heaven and I will never feel robbed again, but that is how I feel right now, because he was something SPECIAL and we are all missing out!"
We also took the time to visit some friends and the seminary:
We stayed on the Seminary campus and went to visit my former co-workers and of course stop by Dr. Patterson's office for a quick safari!
Getting to touch, Pat the Giraffe |
On the seminary steps |
She wanted to take a posed picture |
Always the copy cat :) |
We have some more friends to visit. But enjoyed getting to see our friend here that we have missed so much!