Being Honest

My stomach is in complete knots. Brent too. The butterflies in the stomach have boxing gloves for wings. I feel like throwing up or crying uncontrollably or both! But I can't do either. We are packing tonight. Can you say stressfull?? Airlines really need to up the weight on luggage; either that or gas prices are going to have to come down! Sometimes when I pack I think I need to take everything, I mean, who knows what is going to come up! This was one of those times! We will be in Peru for 5 weeks, anything can happen. We do have a list of items to pack from Villa Hope and we took notes from Tanya, so I think we will be fine.

In this book we are reading, the author quotes Dr. Spock: "You know more than you think you do." I laughed when I read that sentence. I sure hope he's right! I think over the past 2 months I have forgotten everything I know about children and believe me I baby-sat A LOT when I was growing up! Not only that, we have nieces and nephews, all our friends have children, I used to teach VBS all the time, children where all over the place in our life. Then I think about myself being a parent and I feel really dumb and way out of my league. We were getting somethings in Wal-Mart today and I kept thinking, I have no clue what I am doing! I don't know if I have enough guts to have three kids. Right now, I am pretty sure that I am NOT smart enough to outwit a 5-year-old!

Don't get me wrong, we are excited. We know God has this all in His hands. We really want these kids and cannot wait to hug them, love them, and be a family. This change will make our lives more beautiful, but right now, this is the scary part.

Today, while we were running around, we thought about the past 5 months. Our air conditioner/heating unit died in January and we had to replace it. This was not cheap. A few weeks after that Brent had to have wrist surgery. Again, not cheap. A week after Brent's surgery we were placed with the children. During all of this, all bills were paid, food was bought, fun dates came along, the AC/Heat unit was replaced and paid in full, our insurance actually paid a bit of Brent's surgery - after we forked out our ridiculous co-pay - but we have just one more bill from that we are working on paying. Then on top of all that, God provided for the adoption in over abundant ways. He is amazing. Thank You, Lord!

Some of that may have been a little too personal for your liking, but I can't pretend that we feel all rosy inside or that it has all been rosy along the way. We have to share the good and bad with friends.

Thanks for sharing in this life with us! We hope you enjoy this blog. Please pray for us. We are going to need it.


Donna G said…
My home computer still kicks me out of your blog every time, but the Droid works. I am praying daily for you is getting exciting now!
Kelly said…
Hey guys just wanted you to know The Lee Family is praying for yall!! And Marianne I think if you were not concerned about being a parent then something would be wrong, after 10 years I still have many moments were I don't know what I am doing!:) So thankful for our Heavenly Father to show us the way! Love and Lots of Prayers, Kelly
Tanya said…
Praying friends. Trust God and your intuition! If all else fails remind then how big Brent is! The Strothers love you mucho!

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