The day from ,. . well you fill in the rest.

We have a quick minute to send an update. We are safe and sound, living out near the beach. Hugo and Olenka got to play at the beach yesturday, and had an absolute blast. Cesia is having a major time adjusting to everything, especially sleeping. Dinner was hilarious, because it was out first attempt to prepare our own food here in PERU. We had , noodels plain, boiled eggs, and tuna salad and koolaid. The kids were all so tired and ready for bed before 8, and asleep by 830. Until we entered the sci-fi movie known as the attack of the Peruvian Mosquitos. Cesia woke up around 10 and her eye was swoled almost shut, and this morning it looked like we let her use a cactus for a pillow. Hugo and Olenka both had nightmares, and were also being attacked. i found some bug spray, and sprayed and killed mosquitos for 2 hours.We didnt get Cesia back to sleep until 12, and that was in bed with us. We have had a pretty interesting morning as well, we had pancakes from scrath, and scrammbled eggs. We attempted to make syrup from scrath, but t was a disaster. Pb and jelly for lunch, and are now enjoying a wonderful tme of fellowship with our canadian friends. We have had some obedience issues today, and had to stick to our guns a bit. Keep us in your prayers, we may try to write more in a bit.  We are going to go to the market tomorrow possibly so it will be interesting.  Talk to you soon


LoveNOW said…
Thank you guys for following Christ with all the faith He has put in you! Be encouraged. We're praying for you in our family and my students will be praying for you guys tonight. We love you guys and continue to ask our Father to supply all your needs according His glorious riches in Christ Jesus.
Andrew said…
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Christy said…
Are yall still thinking it will be 5 weeks or will you get to come home sooner? It will be so much better when yall can get back in your own environment. I can only imagine how hard it must be. Well you have lots of prayers headed your way. Hope you stay goes by fast! Love yall!

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