The Most Random bits of information ever!

Well we have arrived home, and I really dont know which way is up or what to do. I haven't blogged in several days, due to the crazy pace in which we attepmted to live and function. There are a few details I want to highlight to reflect how the Lord was working out in the details of our adoption.

1.Tom had a hunch that we needed to leave our hotel for safety, so we did. 2 days later the mom shows up looking for trouble, but we were safely hidden away in a free place to stay.
2. We ordered pizza from Pizza hut for lunch on one of our last days in the first city. The messed up our order, but allowed us to keep it anyway, and made us another entire meal for free. We took it back to our beach hide away and found that we had left the gas on, and it was empty. We now had now way to cook, but we were able to eat cold pizza for supper and breakfast the next day that we left.
3. The day we had an appointment for our passports, we had to cancel because of a error by the registrar. We were worried for a moment. But because of his error, he got on a bus and rode the 5 hours to Chiclayo. he met with Tom early friday morning, and were able to get it in the mail. We were then waiting on them to arrive in Lima at 8 am Saturday morning. Here is the catch, it arrived on time, which never happens in Peru. So we made it to our appointment, and got their passports on a Saturday, which also rarely happens.
4. Monday we had to have physicals, and we had been told a price to pay the doctor. As we were walking out of the hotel room, i grabbed some money out of the safety deposit box. They said that the kids had to have shots, and it was going to be $290 DOLLARS. I pulled the cash from my pocket, not knowing what i had, and it was 300. that is all the money i had. Pretty neato aye? ( that was for all my Canadians)
5. We went to get the visas for the children, and it was $1200 so i took 12 100 bills. except i forgot that it was now 404 a person instead of 400. i was 12 dollars short, so i was looking for some more money somewhere. I reached into the hidden pocket on my jeans and found a 10 and 2 1's. thats right 12 exactly. i know you think I have lost my mind, but I think it is pretty amazing. Also they had already processed all of our paper work, and we were able to get our visas on the same day. It is usually a couple of day turn around, but i think the felt sorry for us :)
6. It was now 5pm on Tuesday, and the flight leaves at 1240am, and we had no clue if we could get on the plane. They needed some documents before they would change it. The hotel workers, who took really good care of us, scanned the documents and emailed them to me. We were able to get tickets for the same day, we got to the airport and saw a line 2 miles long. the Delta worker, met us and took us to the front of the line, where they were so nice and effecient. We were able to get threw security without a hitch, rather smooth actually. When we arrived in Atlanta, we were expectin a much different story. Within 20 minutes we were sitting with 3 new Americans, it was so smooth. Customs did not open a single bag.

This may be more for myself and so that you may encourage us, because right now is really difficult. I dont want to paint a picture with only the good stuff, without letting you know this has been an incredibly difficult month on Marianne and myself. We thought arriving home would make things better, but in fact it has possibly made it more difficult in some ways.

For the most part the kids did really well traveling. bathroom issues were a real challenge :) Onlenka wet her pants 3 times on the plane which was really frustrating, because we made her go before we got on the plane, and when we got on the plane, and she wouldnt get up and go. We had to throw away her jeans and shoes because they were full of pee. Cesia had a poopy diaper so bad it went up her back and smelled  up the whole plane. I took Hugo to the bathroom, and turned around and he was peeing with the door open on the plane. I wanted to laugh,  as this seems to be something they all do regularly as Marianne and I scream close the door.  but other than bathroom issues, they were all super well behaved.

when we arrived home many of our family were there waiting on us. it was a welcomed site to our eyes. Hugo and olenka both went running to them. Then all 17 of us went to Cracker Barrell. The were introduced to sweet tea and chicken and dumplings. The liked the tea, but not the dumplings. Talk about a big mans heart being ripped out. As soon as we got in the car, all 3 kids went to sleep right away. They were so exhausted from our over night excursion. 

As most kids they were only concerned with "mine" and "my toys". i am not sure, but i think it would kinda be like never having a Christmas, and then all of a sudden getting more than you could ever imagine. The rode their bikes and played with their toys. They ate roast and carrots and potatoes for supper, and seemed to rather enjoy it. We know that the different foods are going to be a challenge. Already i have heard "mi no like' 100 times in 2 days. my response is, you are going to be very hungry, especially if you dont try it? and you are not getting anything else!  Does that make me a bad father? 

Anyways, bedtime continues to be an adventure. Hugi, only cried a little last night but Olenka had a really tough time. She was sad for her mama Janet and her friends. However she and I had a really good talk. To be honest, She and I have not really jived, in fact she told our rep in Peru that when she got older she didnt need parents. Sometimes we think she thinks she doesnt need parents now. It was a sad time with her, but a very good time to have talking and crying with her.

The last bit of randomness is, please pray for us as parents. We understand that their whole world has been turned upside down, as well as ours. It was emotional good and bad when we as parents arrived home. We are excited to many degrees, but to them it is all new and exciting. But to us, returning home will never be the same. Don't get me wrong we are happy with our decision. Things are different in where we go, and how we talk and what we eat. I know many of you know what we are talking about, escpecially those of you that have kids. We have to find a balance of us as a family, us a couple, and us as individuals. this blog began at 930 and due to the unbelievable amount of things that have been done today, it is complete at 330. Have a great day, and thanks for praying us home. Now the Journey really begins


Charity said…
Hope things are going well as you settle in at home.
carol said…
We continue to pray for you guys. It´s going to be better and easier each day. love you all, c
Debbie said…
I loved reading your blog and seeing all the ways God has been in this process from the very beginning. He didn't bring you this far to leave you now! How very blessed your children are to have you two as their parents and how very blessed you are to be able to parent them. God has good things in store for all of you. Don't forget to take time out for "Mom and Dad". It will make you better parents! Praying for your family.

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