Turtles and Bikes

The other day we went to the school's track to let the kids ride their bikes. A turtle (i think it was a snapping turtle) was making his way across the street, at a rapid pace for a turtle. The kids thought it was so neat. They really enjoy riding their bikes at the school. We brought Cesie-Isabelle's blue car, but she prefers to walk with me and Brent.

just after this she wrecked. got a little too fast and forgot to brake. she was finished with bike riding for the day.

Cesie-Isabelle is so excited. Her dream. A million stairs.

and we walked them, more than once.

Hugo's new trick

Olenka studying some earthworms she found in the water.

Later that night we had pizza for supper, apparently we were too slow in getting the pizza out of the box. She was hungry!!


Amanda said…
Love it! Great exercise! They are super cute!

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