Day 25 - A grace borrowed, found, inherited

Aw man, I could have used yesterday's blue quilt for today's inherited! I didn't look ahead yesterday. So that made today kind of challenging.

Then I realized I had inherited lots of graces. 
A diamond ring from my aunt. My mom and I split the diamonds and made a new ring and added to her engagement ring. 
I got my mammow's furniture and her china cabinet. 
I inherited my family's musical talent, even though I failed to develop it fully like my parents did.
I inherited my mom and dad's curly brown hair and blue eyes
I inherited my grandmother's (mom's side) artistic love. Likewise, my brother inherited my grandfather's  (also my mom's side) skill for carpentry.

I'm sure there are more, but those are the ones I thought of today. That was kind of exciting! 

A grace found: I give up. 

A grace borrowed: Again, I give up. 

That's what's hard about this blog. Sometimes, I just want to give it up. I don't want to post anything, especially on days where I don't do it or if I've had a bad day. "They" say it takes 21 days to develop a habit. It's day 25. I'm thinking the habit might be developed in 21 days, but it's just as easy to drop it on day 22. 

In Chapter 3, Mrs. Voskamp talks about practice and if this idea of hers was really ridiculous - writing down these silly things in which you find joy, thanks, and grace. 

Practice is hard. It's like the piano. If you don't practice, you won't develop your talent and succeed. Even on the days you don't want to practice, you have to make yourself do it because you know it will develop your skill. Likewise, with the joy dare, you have to practice it. Practice joy. Then it will change your life. (at least, that's what I'm told).

Look at your calendar. It's only January 25. It's already Janauray 25! Time is either flying or going by slowly. There are 340 days left in this year. When I think about all the blogs to do for the joy dare, I can't imagine finishing. That's so many! But I have to practice. 

I've decided that I can't blog everyday. It takes a lot. So I will blog as I often as I can. I really want to keep doing it. But I also cannot stress out over getting the joy's of the day on here, that sort of takes the joy of out it! If I am just counting the joys, so that I have something to write on the blog then that defeats the purpose. The purpose is to find joy in the little things, in life, that God gives us and recognize Him as the Giver of all things and that He is good. I know I lost you there. I think I lost myself! 

Well at any rate. There you go. Day 25. Enjoy today.


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