January 31

It's the last day of January. That means next comes my birthday month! I also campaign for my birthday. It makes it fun. People laugh. One day I hope someone takes me seriously. *wink*

I guess I should catch you up from the past few days. It's been busy. I haven't even had time to read.
Although, I did manage to squeeze in crocheting a tiny flower for the first time.

There is a team at our church. They come in, providing children's programs and youth programs, so that the church can take a breath and as a whole listen to the Word. Even the church staff do not need plan anything for a few weeks, it's all taken care of by this organization. The evenings are full. It's busy. But very good.

Our kids love coming and are actually learning about Jesus. Ben can tell us what he learned.
For example (ha! that is his favorite phrase when he tells a story) he has learned that obedience means, "doing what I'm told to do, when I'm told do it, with a happy heart attitude". He has learned what sin is and he has learned that Jesus does still love him when he messes up. That's all I can think of at the moment, but each night there are at least 3 things he can tell us. The sad part is that he has lived with us for a year and I don't think he has even learned that! And it's sad because usually he can't tell anything that he's learned at church.

When we ask Breanna about her night (they are in separate rooms) she recites the entire story for us. Most of the time it's an allegory, but I'm not sure she can point out the moral of study. Probably because she doesn't know what an allegory is nor does she know what the word moral means!

They both love the games that are played.

They will be here two weeks. It's nice, because they aren't trying to cram everything in your head in one week. There is actually enough teaching time and it's used to teach, not to baby-sit.

This is why there haven't been any posts. Brent has his computer at church during the day and we are at church in the evening.

Here are the Joy gifts from the past week:

Day 27 - Three gifts in the kitchen:
1. my table - although we do not do this much, I love when we eat as a family around the table.
2. my griddle - I love making pancakes on it
3. my Peru plates - I picked up some plates and bowls from CasaIdeas while we were in Peru. I wish we had the whole set. I love them

Day 28 - Three graces found in friends:
1. forgiveness
2. heart-sharing
3. longevity

Day 29 - A song heard, a soft word, light seen
1. Meredith Andrews song "Not For A Moment"
2. "I love you, mommy"
3. My lamp shaped like the world - reminds me of my mom, we have the same lamp.

Day 30 - Three old things seen new:
1. Grace
2. Kids
3. Breanna and Elizabeth

Ok, so the kids aren't old and I usually try to keep the gifts specific to the actual day and not go back on memories or things in the past. However, a scene with Breanna and Elizabeth from a few weeks ago fit the bill here.

Breanna was feeding Elizabeth the other night at the table. We usually do not allow this for the reason that Breanna was the mother-figure to Elizabeth in Peru and she still gets her roles confused.
But at the moment, EK was eating, and I was needing to do something else.

But as Breanna was zooming the food around in the air and into Elizabeth's open mouth, I felt like I caught a glimpse of how it must have been for Breanna, as a three-year-old to have such love and care for her baby sister and even more so to have the knowledge to feed her and to PATIENTLY feed her. We all know how long it take little ones to eat.

I felt respect for her and sad for her all in the same moment.
Sweet girl.


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